Dirty Calls Read online
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Moans escape him, letting me know he’s enjoying it also. Ensuring me I’ve succeeded in turning him on and soon getting him off. The thought fuels me, sending a rush of confidence through me, and I want nothing more than to revel in it.
“My pussy is so wet for you.”
“Hmm. I can hear her, sweets. So fucking wet. Pump your fingers harder for me.”
I bite back a moan and speed up my strokes, hitting my G-spot just right. “Uh,” I let out.
“Atta girl. I’m about to cum, baby, let me hear those cries.”
I poke my spot again. “Uh. Oh my…”
“Faster!” He groans.
“Fuck! Yes…uh…uh. I’m—”
“Cumming… Fuck, fuck. Uhhhh,” he blurts out.
A few seconds later, I, too, find my release. I stay still, letting my mind settle around what just happened. I chuckle and shake my head.
“What’s funny?”
“I can’t believe I did that.”
“You mean we, and it was fucking amazing.”
“It was really good.” I stand to pull my skirt back into place before reaching for a wet wipe from my purse to clean my hands. My blouse is a little disheveled, so I take time to straighten it as well.
“I’d love—”
Checking my watch, I notice I have only ten minutes until my presentation. “Listen, this was great, but I need to go.” I quickly gather my materials.
“Wait! At least tell me your name.”
I pick the phone up, staring at it longer than I intend to. It completely slipped my mind that I never gave him a name. A part of me wants to leave it this way, keep the mystery of this whole thing. But it’s the least I can do after having phone sex with him—twice now.
“Jessica.” I say slyly.
“Beautiful. Have a great day, sweets.”
“Fuck, that was hot.” I reach for a tissue from my desk. Sweet little Jessica surely made a mess of me today. I glance down to find my seed is all over the front of my pants. With the thin material wrapped around my index finger, I pat at the white substance, hoping it doesn’t leave a stain. My efforts aren’t successful when I see little balls of lint collecting on the fabric.
I stand, letting my slacks fall to my feet before picking them up to place them in the dirty clothes hamper. When I reach my closet, I flip on the light, drop them in the bin, and snag a fresh pair from a hanger. Shaking my head, I replay the morning and night before in my mind. I dialed Candace’s number as I have many times before, not for a second thinking I would misdial it, but I did, and boy am glad about it. Best fucking accident ever. Maybe it was the adrenaline rushing to my dick that hadn’t allowed me to pick up on that mistake or the fact Jessica sounds nothing like Candace. Her voice is much sweeter. Not that there needs to be a comparison, they’re two completely different beings, but damn am I intrigued.
In the years I’ve dealt with Candace, I’ve never been this turned on. Now, don’t get me wrong, she’s amazing in bed, but there’s something about Jessica that hooks me, almost hypnotizing me. When I dialed her number again, I hadn’t expected her to pick up. I figured last night was pure luck but I needed to know why she hadn’t disconnected the call. And it was my intention to ask, but as the phone rang and I waited for her to pick up, I thought back to the way she’d sounded. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was demanding she let me finish.
I know, this all started out on the wrong foot as my mom would say, but damn if I don’t give a shit. Call me crazy, and hell, I might be, but the way she responded to me has me wanting to explore every facet of her being. I want to figure out what makes her tick, what makes her laugh, and most of all, what buttons I’ll need to press to have her calling my name.
My phone buzzes, pulling me from the pits of my mind, reminding me of a pending meeting. I button my slacks then slip on my Berluti Oxfords and shutting the closet door behind me. On my way out, I snatch up my phone, keys, and wallet before slipping my arms into my custom-tailored blazer. With one last glance around the room, I head out to make my meeting in downtown LA.
Unlocking my car, I climb in and press the push-to-start button, all while smiling as Jessica occupies my conscience, and I wonder if she’s still thinking of me, too. Quickly, I scroll my call log and program her number as Sweet Jessica, then toss it in the passenger seat. I shift my vehicle into gear, making a promise to myself that today won’t be the last time she hears from me.
Chapter Three
I rush along the crowded sidewalk, sliding my way through the sea of people heading to my destination. I’m more than twenty minutes late and do not look forward to hearing the girls’ mouths. When I step into the restaurant, I scan the crowd looking for my friends, spotting them in the middle of the room at a table for four. Ariel waves me over with a smile, and I dash toward them.
“Sorry I’m late.” I drop my purse to the floor and take my seat.
“You made it,” Ariel proclaims.
“Finally, bitch, we’re starving,” Chante adds.
“Exactly,” Lee chimes in.
“I know, I know. I had to send off an email to my boss before I left out. That, and I overslept.”
“Email? It’s Saturday.” Chante frowns.
“Now you know damn well she works around the clock,” Lee teases.
“Oh hush. Have you ordered mimosas yet?” I reply while peeling my jacket off.
“We haven’t ordered anything. Was waiting on you.”
I flag down a waiter. “Excuse me, can we get a pitcher of mimosas, please.”
He nods and sprints toward the kitchen. After several minutes, he returns with two full pitchers for the table and proceeds to take our orders. We’ve had a standing reservation here every Saturday since I moved to town. It’s a surprise to me they don’t know what our order is, considering we get the same thing every time.
“How did the presentation go yesterday?” Lee asks, pouring the sweet elixir into each of our glasses.
“Amazing! We got the contract, and I will be running point.”
They cheer me on, each with their own expression of congratulations.
“Thank you. The client loved it and has hired us for the next six trainings.”
“Amazing! But why do you sound so surprised? You know you’re good as shit, J,” Chante adds.
“I know, but this was my first solo demo, so I was on edge.”
The server approaches, carrying trays filled with all our favorites. Each week, we order separate items but request four extra plates to share from every dish. Ariel digs in, passing the plates around the table while we continue to talk. The topic has since shifted from my work, to the latest news on Lee’s dating life. Of the four of us, Lee and I are the single ones, except Lee enjoys exploring the dating scene, while I…well, I use my vibrator.
“Are you going to see him again?” I ask, taking a bite of eggs.
“I think so. I mean, he was a little too touchy-feely for me, but other than that he was a total gentleman. And you know how hard it is to find those.”
We laugh at the honesty in her statement. My ex was not a gentleman in any form, but he wasn’t a bad guy either—chivalry just wasn’t his strong suit. Ariel’s husband and Chante’s fiancé are really great guys, and before them, they, too, suffered their fair share of tactless men.
“What about you, Jess? Been on any dates?” Chante taps me from under the table.
My mind instantly trails to my calls with—shit, I don’t even know his name. “No, I haven’t had the time.”
“Ugh,” they say in unison.
“You need to make time, bitch,” Chante demands in an agitated tone. “You can’t keep spending all your time working on these projects. You came to Arlington—”
“To work! That’s what I’m doing,” I answer defensively.
“You came to live your life. To start over. Work is only a piece of the puzzle. You know what, we’re going out tonight.”
“Come on, Tay—”
“Don’t ‘come on, Tay’ me. We’re going out! You need to have some fun.”
“Yes, let’s! I need to shake my ass.” Lee dances in her seat.
“Well, let me call Larry and let him know,” Ariel adds, cosigning Chante’s foolery.
There’s no sense in fighting with them, because I’ll never win. Once Chante’s made up her mind, it’s solid, nothing will change it. And unless I want the bitch bugging me all day and night and maybe through to next week, it’s best I suck it up and get excited. My phone rings, vibrating against my foot on the floor. The girls are so busy chatting, I take the moment to see who it is. I recognize the number from yesterday and cross my legs to still the pulsing his call sends to my pussy. Declining it, I work to hide my smile and place the phone face-down on the table.
“Jess, you should wear the little red number you got a couple of weeks ago. The short one,” Lee says when I return my attention to my friends.
I nod and take another forkful of my food. My phone chimes to life again, rattling the table and clinking against my plate. Flipping it over, I see it’s him again and quickly hit ignore. But only a second later it goes off once more, this time alerting me of a text. I lean forward onto my forearms, using my left hand to tap open his message while trying to keep one ear on the conversation.
What are you doing? his message reads.
I smile and thumb my response: Having brunch with my girls. How can I help you?
Brunch sounds nice! What are you having?
His reply is tasteful, polite, but I must admit a little disappointing. A part of me was expecting some kinky shit to pop up on my screen. The thought of reading all the freaky things he wants me to do to myself whilst my friends sit clueless next to me is exciting. But he presents me with decency. What the fuck? What’s gotten into me?
Instead of responding, I lift my phone and snap a picture of our half-eaten food. Pressing send, I sit it down and toss a piece of bacon in my mouth.
“How are you going to take a photo of the food after we’ve eaten it?” Lee asks in between chews.
“So, where are we going tonight?” I ask, avoiding her question. My text alert chimes, stealing my focus, causing me to miss the location announcement.
A woman who loves to eat. I love it! It all looks delicious.
It is! Would you like some? I reply.
I’ll happily take whatever you’re offering me, sweets.
Be careful what you wish for, I joke.
I’m not worried!
Maybe you should be.
Why is that?
Not expecting him to respond so quickly, I stare at the messages blankly. I have no witty comeback for him, and the evidence of that must show on my face. Chante taps my foot, and I look at her.
“What are you concentrating so hard on over there?” She nods to my hands.
“Uh…nothing. Was replying to my boss,” I lie and sit my phone face-down, deciding to leave the conversation where it is for now. Maybe I’ll come up with something flirty to say.
“I’ma take your damn phone,” Lee barks. “It’s girls’ time, no work. Now come on so we can make this pedicure appointment. I’m sure you’ve been neglecting them dogs with all this work you’re doing.”
Wiggling my toes through my flats, I try to hold in my laugh. I swear, I love my friends, but it irks my nerves when they’re right. My feet are begging to be pampered, and it’s not even funny.
Music blares as we squirm through the ocean of people. After our pedicures, I’d hoped Chante would’ve changed her mind about going out tonight, but luck wasn’t on my side. For the last ten minutes, the girls and I struggled to push our way into the club in search of a spot that’s a little less crowded. We find one near the corner of the bar. The floor is sticky under my shoes, and the scent of booze and bad cologne fills the air.
“What can I get you, ladies?” the bartender questions.
“A round of shots, please. Also, two cranberry and vodkas, one Hennessy, and a pineapple and vodka”. Knowing exactly what my friends like, I place the order and direct my attention to the girls.
Chante is already dancing, and Lee is warming up. Ariel stays close to me while I wait for the drinks. Like me, she isn’t much into the scene—crowds of people rubbing against each other in an attempt at some fun and maybe the occasional hookup. Liquid courage is definitely needed if we’re to be living it up and enjoying the night. The bartender places eight glasses in front of me, and I thank him by handing him my credit card to open a tab. Ariel takes the four tiny glasses into both hands, passing us each one for ourselves. As she does this, I pick up the small plate of limes, holding it out for them to snag a slice.
“Ready?” Lee asks when I set the dish back on the counter.
“Yup,” I add, clutching my purse under my arm.
On the count of three, we lick the salted rim, toss the glasses back, swallowing the contents in one swoop before sucking on the lime wedges. My throat tingles from the concoction, and I wince, letting out a loud breath. In unison, we each grab the taller glasses in a rush to wash away the aftertaste of the tequila.
It isn’t long before I’m feeling the effects of both drinks and begin to loosen up. Allowing the music to take over, I sway to the lyrics of Cardi B, singing along with my girls. One thing to know about me, I’m as conservative as they come, but Cardi is my spirit animal, person, or whatever you want to call it. Her words ignite things in me, which isn’t necessarily a good thing for a tipsy Jessica. A few guys approach us from the other side of the bar, squeezing their way between our circle.
“Hey, I’m Chris!” a tall, broody-looking fellow with deep-brown eyes says to me.
I accept his hand shake and introduce myself. “I’m Jessica,” I add, speaking in his ear.
“Nice to meet you! Can I get you another drink?” he yells over the music.
“Yeah. Two cran and vodkas, one Hennessy, and one pineapple and vodka,” I say, instantly realizing from the look on his face that he wasn’t offering to buy four drinks. That damn Cardi B, I think to myself. I’m about to rescind my order, but he leans for the bar.
“Five Hennessey’s, two cran- vodkas, and a pineapple vodka. Tab’s under West,” Chris says to the bartender.
Well, shit, thank you, Cardi, I say internally and turn away slightly with my brows raised. “Thank you!”
“No problem!” He finishes the last of his drink and places both my empty glass and his on the bar top. “Which ones yours?” He points to the freshly made cocktails.
Chris hands me a glass, then grabs the attention of his friends who take turns passing out the remainder of the drinks. The music switches to Drake, and the volume rises as we all sing the words and dance in place. Chris wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close. After a few more songs, I pause to catch my breath. Not once does my new friend skip a beat, he’s right there next to me smiling—hard.
I ignore his glances and take a peek at my friends. Catching Lee’s eyes, I tilt my glass, silently asking if they’d like another round. She checks with Ariel and Chante before nodding yes. Switching my purse from one hand to the other, I call our mixologist over. Before I can tell him what I’d like, Chris steps in, ordering another round for me and my friends. I protest, but he insists on doing so. One drink is fine, but I’ve always had this weird inkling that if a guy buys you more than one drink, he definitely expects to get laid at the end of the night. Lee’s voice plays in my head: If a man wants to buy your drinks, you fucking let him, and if you want to fuck him at the end of the night, do that, too. There won’t be any of the latter happening, but I guess the drinks will be okay.
As I nurse the next round, I force myself to engage in conversation. It’s not that this guy is boring, but my mind is just not here. The point of tonight was to let loose, and I did, but now drunk, all I can think about is my mystery caller. I realize I never responded to his message earlier and wonder what he’s thinking. Chris taps me on the shoulder, pulling me from my thoughts, asking me to dance. I decline and suggest he goes and has fun with Lee, because seriously, the girl has yet to slow down. Removing my phone from my purse, I open my texts and scroll to the unsaved number.
What are you wearing? I type, smiling at the nerve of myself. Almost instantly, my phone buzzes and his reply pops across the screen.
I feel like the right answer would be, nothing. But, unfortunately, I’m fully dressed.
Shame! I was finally going to tell you why you should be worried. I bite down on my lip to hold back the giddy feeling I have inside.
Oh really? Why is that?
I can’t tell you now. You needed to be naked for that.
Okay, so I don’t really have a reason for why he should be worried or be careful of what he wished for. This just seems like the thing to say. Before I can second guess myself, I hit send and shove my device back into my purse. In a few seconds, my bag vibrates under my arms, but I will myself to ignore it. A part of me likes how quickly he responds, and while I am eager to know what the message says, I think I’ll wait it out. Besides, there’s a hell of a chance he’s sent me something dirty, and I’ll need to be in the confines of my home to fully explore that possibility.
Chapter Four
I stumble inside my apartment. Still tipsy from the liquor, I opt to slide to the floor, using my back to slowly close the door. The walk from my Uber to my home proved to be a feat, and all I want to do is get these evil strappy open-toe heels off. I unhook the sides, kick them off and crawling the rest of the way through my foyer. The only light comes shining in from the large window that I’ve yet to apply curtains to. Looking up at it now, I wonder why I’ve never done that. I’m sure it all makes sense to a sober me, but right now, all I hear are my mother’s words about serial killers and stalkers.