The Vengeful Queen: A Mafia Romance (The Hale Mafia Book 2) Read online
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“They can’t be here without an invitation or cause. We haven’t done anything in the light, so that means someone invited them.”
The words almost stick in the back of my throat. What if Chief Sloan isn’t who we think? He’s the only one with enough jurisdiction other than…
“Cameron. Cameron brought them here.”
Teddy stops pacing and looks at me. “Why do you say that?”
I walk back to my bed and sit on the edge before pulling open the nightstand drawer. I reach for the files and grip them, then toss it to Teddy. “That’s why. He knows something, or is hiding something, and now he’s trying to cover his ass. That’s the only logical explanation. I mean, why would Sloan pull some shit like that.”
Teddy flips through it. “Lucas told me about this. Did you talk to Cameron about it?”
My mind rewinds to that very moment, the night I learned Teddy was alive, and all of my emotions come rushing back. Joy. Confusion. Anger.
I shake my head. “I was going to address it the night you came back. We made it to the station, but Lucas made a comment that threw me off guard, so we came home.”
His jaw ticks with my mention of Lucas. “What did he say?” he grinds out.
I’m hesitant to repeat what Lucas said. I don’t want to piss Teddy off especially since this isn’t even about that, but I know he’ll be angrier if I try and brush it off. “He said, because you mean something to him, you mean everything to me.”
He nods, trying his best to act unfazed. “I will have the twins get with Emil. We can move our supply there. He’ll watch it. And you, go talk to Cameron and see what we can find out. Don’t let him or anyone else know I’m back. We will need the element of surprise.”
“Emil? You can’t be serious. I don’t think we should trust him. He thinks you’re dead—, what’s keeping him from stealing everything for himself?”
“Just do as I say, Charlotte. I have an idea.”
His words almost have a soft edge to them. Like he’s tired of fighting. And honestly, I am too. I nod and reach for the files to put them back, but his grip doesn’t release.
He pulls me forward using the file. His face is less than an inch from mine, and I can feel his breath fan across my lips. “You do mean something to me, Monkshood.”
I want to melt at his words and crash into him, but the guilt weighing in my stomach won’t let me. “I know,” I whisper, reaching for his face and running my thumb along his scar.
He presses his hand over mine and kisses my palm. “Don’t ever forget you’re mine.”
How could I when I know if I do, someone will pay the price with their life? I want to say it, but I don’t. “Yours,” I breathe.
“Stop doing that,” he spits, tugging my lip from my teeth.
I didn’t even realize what I was doing. When he’s so close to me, it’s like my world turns to mush and all logic is thrown out the window. My body works on its own without the company of my brain. I breathe in deep, letting the need in my pants sound out around us.
“I should hate you,” I whisper as he brings his face closer to mine.
“You should. It would make this whole thing easier.”
“Maybe I do.”
“You don’t.” He lets go to undo the button on his slacks and slips his suit jacket off his shoulders.
He walks me backward before laying me on the bed, letting the gun in his holster tickle my ribs as it hangs to his side. I reach up and push it down, but he pins my arms above me. Once my hands are where he wants them, he lets go and thumbs the buttons of his shirt open one by one. I watch in complete awe. Sure, I’m pissed at Teddy for… for everything, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have an itch only he can scratch.
Once the last button is open, I expect him to take it off along with his holster, but he doesn’t. He leaves both in place as he pushes down the band of his boxers and his erection is set free.
He grips his length and strokes himself slowly. “I’ve waited weeks to be back inside you,” he breathes before letting his head loll back.
“Then what are you waiting on now?” I move my feet and hook my heels on the edge of the bed, letting the bottom of my robe fall open.
His head snaps back to me. After he eyes me, he lets out a husky laugh. “Not a damn thing. You can be mad, but it won’t stop me from fucking you.”
I smirk and raise an eyebrow, daring him to keep his word.
He smiles too, his real, genuine smile, then reaches for my panties and rips them off me with a growl. His head dives between my knees, his lips covering my thighs in punishing kisses and bites. I scream out from the mix of pain and pleasure and grind my core into his face. I do my best not to move my hands, but it’s all too much.
The pain, the bliss, the fact that Teddy is even here, and… the guilt.
I push his head away from me and flip myself. Bringing my knees under me, I put my ass in the air and wait for him to have his way with me. As much as I want this—want him—I can’t bear to look at him. Because of what I did, and what he did to me, but here I am, letting him use me again.
He dips his head and gives me one last painstakingly slow lick before standing back to his full height, centering himself and pounding into my pussy.
Over and over he pushes into me with zero care. He’s doing it to find a release, and I’m looking at it as my punishment. He may not know I kissed Lucas, but the fact I know alone eats me alive. I need him to hurt me. I need him to use me.
He finally comes with a roar that shakes me to the core. Once he slows behind me and pulls out, I collapse onto the bed and cover my face. I don’t want him to see the tears or read the guilt most definitely painted all over my face.
I hear the sound of his zipper, then the buckle of his belt being put in place, but I make no motion to move. I feel his body hover over mine as he plants a soft kiss in my hair. “I’ve missed you this way, my love.” His voice is hoarse and weak.
When I don’t reply, he tugs my arm from my face and sits me up. Tears smear down my cheeks as my lips quiver. His hard eyes grow soft. “What’s the matter? Did I hurt you?”
Only in the way I deserve. I answer in my head. “No. I just—” I lick my lips and inhale deeply, trying to calm my nerves. “I missed you.”
He nods and wraps his arms around me. “I know.”
His words stir something in me. One minute, he was a savage, taking what he wanted without apology. And now, he’s soft and sweet. Teddy is my very own Jekyll and Hyde, but I’m the only one who gets to see him soft.
I nuzzle my face into his neck and wrap my arms around his waist. “I just need to hold you for a second. To really feel you so I know this is real.”
His body tenses under me before relaxing. He runs his hands through my hair and sways slowly, giving me only the second I wanted before he steps back in my hold. “I have to go, Monkshood.”
I drop my arms and look up to him. I almost feel I’m looking at an entirely new man. Since he’s been back, he’s been so hot and cold, and I’m not sure if I want to burn or freeze.
He kisses the top of my head. “I’ll be back. Until then, go see the pig and do whatever you must to get answers.”
I nod at his command and watch him walk out my door.
I let the day pass before I came to the station. No need to cause a scene in broad daylight. With it being past eight o’clock, most citizens would be home with their families by now, leaving only a few stray officers patrolling the streets. This way it’ll leave no one but Sloan or Cameron at the station with the few dispatchers tucked away in the back.
Tonight, I came alone. Teddy is off doing god knows what, and I didn’t want the twins or Carl shadowing me. One, I don’t want to make anyone more nervous than they should be, walking in with three men who don’t know the definition of play nice. And two, I’m trying to keep my distance with Lucas. Without a doubt I know Teddy is the one who is responsible for his beat-up face and outburst toward me. I don’t want
to add any fuel to the already burning inferno that is Teddy’s anger.
I step out of my car and close the door. The creaking hinges send out a high-pitched squeal into the night. I revel in the sound. This old GTO has been mine since I was sixteen. It’s one of the only things I have left from my dad. I smooth out my dress and move my purse to my shoulder.
I’ve been here a million and one times growing up, but this time isn’t the same. I’m not here bearing a late dinner or exciting news; tonight I’m here to find answers so I can finally avenge my father.
I push through the doors and take in the small space. It’s dimmer than normal with the overhead fluorescent lights cut down. A desk with the police seal on the front is to my left, a small room behind it filled with computers and a couple of people with headsets. A single holding cell in the back-right corner, and desks and computers scattered in the center.
I spot Sloan hunched over a desk, going through paperwork, with a lamp flipped on casting a dull yellow hue around him.
“Sloan,” I state, stopping in front of his desk.
He looks up, startled. “Jesus, Charlie. You’re going to give this old man a heart attack.” He clutches his chest.
I don’t bother with formalities. I get straight to the point. “Where’s Snyder?”
He looks at the gold watch on his wrist before he darts his eyes back to me. “He left yesterday evening. Was supposed to be back for the night shift, but…” He stretches his arms around the empty room.
I chew on my lip. “Well, I’m waiting until he gets here.” I plop onto the chair next to his desk.
He raises his eyebrow. “What’s going on, Charlie?” I can hear a hint of concern in his voice.
I huff. “Family business, Chief.”
As much as I want to give him all the information I have, I don’t even know if I can trust him. He’s worked alongside Cameron as long as he did my dad. Sure, he helps Teddy with small things here and there, but who’s to say he isn’t helping Cameron too? I can’t risk spilling the small info I have and him running with it.
He shakes his head and rolls his eyes. “I see those boys are finally rubbing off on you. Teddy trained you well.” His voice lowers and sounds almost pained. “It’s a shame he isn’t here to see it.”
For a second his comment catches me off guard. I’d almost forgotten no one knows Teddy is back. That his entire death was a lie.
I look to the floor and feign grief, wiping a fake tear from my cheek. “Let’s not go there. Please,” I beg, hoping my pitiful excuse of hurt will fool him.
He nods in understanding before patting my back and walking to the small room tucked away at the front of the station. Relief floods me when he’s out of sight. I almost feel guilty lying to Sloan. He’s been nothing but a rock to me for so long. When my dad couldn’t make it in time to pick me up from school, or knew he’d miss a dance recital, Sloan was always the man who took his place. He’s been like a dad to me in a way, but the one thing I’ve learned over the past few months is people aren’t who they seem. Lies and deception linger beneath the surface for everyone. It’s just a matter of what they’re covering up. I can’t risk letting Sloan in, letting him know what’s going on.
The door opening grabs my attention. I look and see Cameron strolling in, dressed in a wrinkled uniform with his sandy hair a mess. Sloan appears from the dispatch room where they exchange a few words before he walks out the door.
I stand, making sure the strap of my bag is still in place on my shoulder. When Cameron doesn’t notice me, I make my presence known. “Snyder,” I call out softly, not wanting the few women in the dispatch room to hear me.
His hazel eyes meet mine and immediately light up. “Charlotte.” He smiles, wasting no time to shrink the space between us.
He stops in front of me, his worn work boots almost stepping on my toes. He leans in, no doubt to kiss me like he does every time he sees me, but I back away.
When the back of my knees hit the edge of the chair, I hold up my hand. I’m done playing nice with this prick. “You’re going to tell me what you know.”
His eyes flash darkly before he slips his fake friendly mask back in place. “What are you talking about?”
I reach in my bag and pull out his file I found in my dad’s storage unit. I throw it on the desk, then reach back inside and grab my gun. I sit back down and urge him to do the same with the chair opposite of me, nodding my head in its direction. I cross one leg over the other, then lean back, removing my hand from my bag and letting it rest in my lap.
Cameron reaches for the file, keeping his eyes on my gun the entire time. He flips through it, then looks to me with bewilderment in his eyes. “What’s this?”
“You tell me.” I keep my voice impassive. No need to give him any hints that I have no clue what it means. All I know is he knows. But what does he know is the real question here. My dad didn’t leave that answer.
He shakes his head, then throws the file back onto the desk. “I don’t know what any of that is.”
I take in a deep breath through my nose, then stand up quickly. I lean over him. The sick fuck can’t even look into my eyes. He’s too worried about sneaking a peek down the low dip of the front of my dress.
I drag my gun up his knee to his thigh and let it rest by his groin. With the barrel pointed directly at his dick, I click the safety off. “You know something, Cameron, and I want to know what. And I want to know why there’s an ATF agent snooping around my warehouse.”
He leans his head back and lets out a sinister laugh while grinding into my gun slightly. “Look at you, Charlie. Finally, you have some steel in that floppy backbone. Maybe fucking all those Hale men did you some good. Is that how you got to claim that old run-down warehouse as yours too?” His face contorts achingly like he didn’t mean to say what he did.
I laugh. How weak. If you’re going to say something, say it without apology. “What, jealous it wasn’t you? That it wasn’t your hands skimming all over my naked body. Not your cock pushing into me, making me cry out in ecstasy?” His lip flicks up, and his hands ball into fists in his lap.
I moan into his ear. “Upset I wasn’t screaming out your name?” I flick my tongue over the shell of his ear. I can see the bulge growing in his pants. Good. He’s right where I want him.
Lucas said the only thing I’m good for is my pussy, and maybe in a way he’s right. I can make men do things other men can’t. I can use my body and the fantasy of sex to get what I want. Teddy said it best. Where a man can’t go, he’ll send a woman.
I stand back straight and put my foot on the edge of the chair between his legs. I give him a seductive smirk before pushing as hard as I can, sending him falling to the floor. I stand over him and aim my gun at his head. “Next time I come, you’ll have answers. And as far as the warehouse, it’s none of your fucking business. It’s mine and that’s all you need to know.”
I turn and walk out of the station before he can ask anything more.
I watch as Charlie sways out of the station. As much as I want to stop her, I don’t. The way her hips move as she walks with authority, her hands gliding beside her with her gun still gripped in one. Everything about her screams confidence, and it’s a look I haven’t seen her wear in a while. Maybe those Hale men have done one good thing for her. They’ve built her up and made her see just how amazing she is. They’ve taken away some of the work for me. When Charlie is finally with me, where she belongs, she’ll be exactly who I want her to be.
As the door closes behind her, I scramble from the floor and stand, pulling my phone from my pocket, and dial Andrew’s number.
When the phone connects, I don’t wait for a hello. “Meet me in the back of the station. Now.” I end the call before he can reply.
I see Andrew’s headlights splash through the doors as he pulls up and parks right in front of the station. I shake my head and roll my eyes, then walk outside. As he’s stepping out of his car, I grab him by the arm and haul him to th
e back of the building.
Once we’re covered by the night and too far away for anyone to hear, I face him. “I said meet me in the back. What the fuck are you doing?”
He jerks from my hold and straightens his jacket. “First of all, I don’t work for you. I will do what I want.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose and squeeze my eyes so tight I see spots. “If you want to be here and get the big break you’re looking for, so your boss will take you off of administrative leave, you’ll do as I say. Not being discreet isn’t an option.”
He chuckles. “I’m sure you need me just as badly as I need you. If this is going to work, I need to be able to work without parameters.”
I want to pummel his face and show him just how serious I am, but I can’t because he’s right. I do need him. I have no evidence against the Hales, and trying to find any is almost impossible. They know who I am, and I’m sure they already have eyes on me. I can’t risk looking into anything and getting caught.
“Just try to lay low. They already know you’re here which can be problematic. Watch your back if you run into them. They’re good at what they do and know how to cover things up.”
“Oh, like you?” He chuckles wickedly.
“Fuck off, Andrew. Just do what you need to do to get them thrown away. I have people waiting to get to them behind bars.”
He shakes his head and starts to walk away. “Whatever.”
I follow and watch as he gets into his car and leaves. I hurry inside and hope like hell erasing the past ten minutes of footage from the cameras that watch the front of the station won’t be too suspicious.
I walk inside and drop my purse to the floor. The thump echoes off the marble, alerting Carl to my presence. His head peeks out of the kitchen before retreating again.
I walk to the kitchen and plop onto the barstool across the counter of where he is. “Where is he?”
I don’t give an explanation. He knows who I’m talking about.