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The Vengeful Queen: A Mafia Romance (The Hale Mafia Book 2) Page 4

  Carl shakes his head, his white hair moving the slightest bit with the motion. “Not here, but he did tell me you and the boys will be going to see Emil.”

  I look to the counter where his hands have been moving. He’s arranging fancy cheese and meats into plastic baggies, then placing them into a small wicker basket.

  “Is this for him?” I ask, pointing to the arrangement.

  He nods. “His favorite is the smoked sausage links and old dutch master gouda. Most pair the cheese with sweets because of its flavor, but not Emil.” He shakes his head like he’s disappointed. “Such a waste to not enjoy its flavor to its full potential, but what can I say?”

  I scoff at his comment. Only Carl would get bent out of shape over some old cheese. “Why do you care so much, Carl?”

  He stops shuffling the full baggies in the basket around, then looks up to me. “I don’t care for Emil, but I do care for Teddy and the boys. They’re young and don’t realize the power of their words sometimes. I figure if I can show Emil he’s appreciated, just for the simple fact of not killing us, I will. Those Hale men sure won’t. They’re too proud and talk a lot of shit, but I’ve been around longer than them. Sometimes you have to put your pride to the side.”

  “You really think Emil would kill them just because they aren’t his family?”

  “I do. I’ve seen it happen. What Emil is doing is unheard of in this world. Competition over territory and who is supreme is a big thing, and no one likes losing.”

  I nod, understanding what he’s saying the best I can. Before I can reply, Lucas and Julius stroll in.

  “You rolling too, Carl?” Lucas asks, completely ignoring me and acting like I’m not sitting right in front of him.

  “Yes. Here.” He passes the basket to me before turning to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of wine. “Take this to him when you go in.”

  “I thought you guys were going to handle this,” I remark, tipping my head as he passes the bottle to me.

  “You’re the face of this family now, Charlotte. It’s best if you do it.”

  I glance to Lucas and Julius, who stand quietly next to me, then back to Carl. “Well, let’s go.”

  The ride to Emil’s casino was awkward. Julius was quiet, as always, and Carl stayed in his own world, swaying to the low soft jazz he turned on. Lucas, normally one to talk shit or make smart-ass remarks, did nothing. When his eyes would catch mine, he’d hurry to look away disgusted. And if I happened to accidentally brush against him going over a bump, he’d make a show of scooting closer to his brother.

  The tension between him and me is something I haven’t ever experienced, and it makes my stomach turn. He used to be a friend. A shitty friend, but a friend, nonetheless.

  I push the thoughts away and chastise myself for even thinking about that shit. Why do I care? It isn’t like I love him, not how I love Teddy at least. The love I have for Lucas is a different kind, more of a brotherly love. The kind of love you give to the guy who isn’t good enough for any woman because they’re loud, obnoxious, too full of themselves. The pretty boys who don’t want to settle down.

  Once the twins exit the car, I follow behind them through the parking lot, holding the basket Carl insisted on sending loose at my side. Neon lights bounce off the shiny pavement, throwing splashes of blue, yellow, and green into the dark night.

  Closer to the entrance, they slow their pace and flank my sides as I survey totally new surroundings. A golden archway covered in small flashing red lights hangs over the revolving glass door. A giant sign that reads Hideout hangs down the red brick, while lines of blue and green dance beside it.

  I pause for a minute and watch the people who are coming in and out. No one really stands out. Mainly men in suits shuffle along with the occasional woman in a fancy dress breaking up all of the testosterone.

  I continue inside, completely awed as soon as I step in. The lights across the entire building are dim, minus the small, single-hanging chandeliers over every blackjack and poker table and the lights flashing on the slot machines.

  I nudge my chin forward, looking at Julius, telling him to lead the way. He weaves between tables and cocktail waitresses dressed in lingerie until he reaches the very back of the casino.

  Emil sits at a lone table with a woman on each side of him. One blonde, one brunette, each covering his neck in kisses and whispering in his ear. “Charlotte, what a surprise.”

  I nod. “Emil.”

  Julius and Lucas spread out, taking guard on each side of the table as I sit down in front of him. I place the basket on the table. “Carl says hello.”

  A smile stretches his lips as he reaches for it. “That man knows me too well,” He laughs, digging through the bags. “What can I do for you, Charlie?”

  I swallow down all of my uncertainty and the fact I think this is a terrible idea, then speak. “I need a favor.”

  He leans up, putting his elbows on the table top with an even bigger smile. “You need my help? I never thought this day would come.”

  You and me both. “There is an ATF agent snooping around my warehouse. He won’t find anything because I’ve kept things at the house, but soon enough I’m sure he’ll come there. I need somewhere to put all of the guns, somewhere safe.”

  His eyes widen before he leans back into his chair and drapes his arms over the women at his side. “So, you need me to hold your supply? How long?”

  I look to Julius, then Lucas for answers, for the right thing to say, but they give me nothing. Carl’s words ring out in my head “You’re the face of this family now.”

  I take a deep breath and try and muster up every ounce of bravado I have. “However long it takes to get him off our case. Are you going to help me or not?” I lean back and cross one knee over the other, acting placid when I’m anything but that.

  If he doesn’t help, I don’t know what else to do. Sure, Teddy will figure it out, but I don’t want to have to face him and tell him I failed.

  “Fair enough.” He pulls the women closer to him. “I’ll send Desi over tomorrow to pick everything up.”

  “I want to know where they’ll be, and I want access at all times,” I state, standing up.

  “Do you not trust me, Charlie?” He sounds almost wounded, and it makes me want to laugh.

  I smooth out my dress and motion for the twins. “Quite frankly, I don’t, and you know it, but I’m out of options here.”

  He shakes his head with a smirk. “I guess I can admire your honesty.”

  I turn and start walking to the front without another word because I don’t feel he deserves it.

  We only make it to the center of the casino before a blonde bombshell is pressing herself against Lucas.

  “Oh, I’ve missed you, Luke,” she breathes in his ear.

  I can tell he’s uncomfortable by the way his body tenses and his eyes narrow, but he quickly replaces it when his eyes grab mine.

  He hooks his arm around her slim waist and pulls her even closer, letting her tits push into his side. “Have you now, Jade?”

  He flicks his eyes to her and roams them all over her half-naked body. As I watch them, my breaths become coarser and my stomach gets heavy. I don’t even know who she is, but I want to rip her away from him and throw her on her ass.

  I cross my arms over my center and roll my eyes. “We need to go. Now.”

  I turn on my heel and start walking toward the door again, quickening my pace. I feel Julius rush up beside me, but I don’t pay him any attention. Suddenly, the only thing I can think about is putting an adequate distance between me and Lucas.

  I make it to the car and throw the door open before sliding inside. Julius lingers by the door until Lucas finally appears. He slips in next to me, and suddenly, I feel suffocated. I don’t want him near me.

  “Get out,” I say low, hoping Carl and Julius don’t hear.

  He tips his head. “Why?”

  I feel the air crash through my teeth as I turn toward the window away f
rom him, seething at the thought of him being so close. “I don’t want you near me. Get out and let Julius in first or walk home. Your choice.”

  I can’t see his face, but I can picture him with the same look he had in the kitchen the other night. “Fine.”

  The weight of him suddenly leaves the seat and is quickly replaced when the car door closes. Carl doesn’t take off right away like normal, but I don’t question it. I just keep my eyes glued out the window.

  After a few moments, the car shifts into gear and we’re gliding across the parking lot, onto the main road back home. Once we’re a good distance away from the casino and all of its flashing lights, I sneak a peek beside me and only see Julius.

  “Where the fuck is Lucas?”

  Julius shrugs with a grin, looking to Carl through the rearview mirror.

  “He chose to walk.” Carl shakes his head, then turns the music louder.

  I spent the whole night watching Cameron at the station. He doesn’t know it, but I saw him. Dirty pig not only met with the ATF agent, but he also went in and tampered with the security camera. And I also saw Charlie. Seeing her act so strong and unafraid did nothing but remind me of the many reasons why I love her. Why she’s my fucking queen.

  I slip back into my car and start the engine. The station doesn’t have much around it, so I parked across the street in hopes of not being seen. Luckily, not many people in Northridge Heights think twice about a basic car sitting in a lone parking lot at night. It’s the whole reason I went and bought this little Honda.

  I pull onto the street, still watching the inside of the station until I’m too far away to see. Once I’m out of sight, I flip on my lights and head back to the house. I’ve been staying outside of town in a run-down motel so I don’t cross anyone’s path, but now that Charlie knows I’m back, it’s too hard to stay away. Sure, she may be mad at me, but I know she feels the same way. I can see it in her eyes, her body language, the way she speaks. She missed me as much as I missed her.

  I pull into the drive and lower my head so the hat I’m wearing covers my face as I approach the guard shack. I made the boys get rid of everyone we used to have stationed here and only kept the two I felt we could halfway trust. But I still don’t trust them enough to know I’m back. Carl made sure to instruct them when my car pulls up to not ask questions and to let me in, so they do.

  I park next to Charlie’s old GTO and step out. Leaning against my car, I wait.

  After a few minutes, headlights snake up the drive and creep in slowly. Once the engine is killed, Carl steps out of the driver’s seat followed by Julius and then Charlie from the back. Lucas isn’t to be seen, but I don’t question it. After all the bullshit that’s been going on, I’m not complaining either. The less time he’s around Charlie, the better.

  Charlie goes to walk up the steps but stops when she sees me. “Teddy.” She dips her head as she approaches.

  “Monkshood.” I reach out for her and grab her waist, pulling her into me and inhaling the scent of her hair. “Did you talk to Cameron?”

  I already know the answer, but I want to see how much she’ll tell me. I don’t know what was said, but I saw what she did, and after everything with Lucas, I just need a reason to give her my full trust again.

  “I did and didn’t get anything useful.” Her head falls.

  I tip her chin so she’s facing me. “Don’t worry, I have a plan.”

  “Care to enlighten us?” Carl chirps from behind her.

  I drop my hand and move behind her. “Whoever was with Cameron that day at the bank is in with the cartel. I have a feeling he’s the one running things. I’ve seen him too much for it to be a coincidence. If we can figure out exactly who he is, that’s one problem handled. As far as the ATF agent, I know Cameron brought him into town. Basically, everything goes back to the pig. We need to get him alone and get answers.”

  “I’ve already tried that,” Charlie remarks, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “I know, but now we have a little on him. If we can figure out how he’s connected to this other man, then maybe we can use it against him.”

  “And how do you intend to do that?”

  I laugh. She obviously underestimates my ability to get info. As long as you have a small piece of something, everything else comes easy. People don’t call me devious for nothing. I have ways of getting what I want.

  “The ATF agent obviously isn’t here with the support of where he came from because he’s alone. I’m sure he knows more than us. If we can give him a new lead to follow, maybe he’ll reward our generosity with some intel.”

  She tips her head and chews her lip. “And where are we going to find a new lead?”

  I ignore her question and answer it with my own. “Did Emil agree to hold our supply?”

  She nods. “Desi will be here tomorrow to pick up.”

  “Good.” I look at Carl and Julius. “Get everything ready to be moved tomorrow, then rest up. I’ll elaborate more later.” I look back to Charlie as they disappear inside. “Make sure you go with him tomorrow and have easy access. Memorize the layout the best you can too or anything that could be problematic.”

  Her eyes widen. “You aren’t thinking of doing what I think you are—”

  I hold up my hand. “Don’t overanalyze anything just yet. We will talk tomorrow.”

  I kiss the top of her head and kick myself when she flinches the slightest bit. As much as I hate that she’s scared of me, I don’t regret anything I’ve said or done up until this point.

  Loving a woman is new to me. Sure, I’ve had flings, but it’s different with Charlie. The thought of her with anyone else makes me insane. I know Lucas would never betray me, but at the same time, Charlie has my head all fucked-up. If I’m able to see how great she is, I’m sure everyone else can see it too. Including Lucas.

  The way her body moves with authority and sweetness all in the same strut. How her voice is calm and hypnotic but demanding too. Everything about her screams anomaly but perfectly right in the same breath. Charlie will be the fucking death of me.

  I push the thought away and wish her a good night before getting back into my car and leaving.

  When Teddy left last night, my mind wouldn’t stop racing. I’m almost sure I know what he has planned, and I know it isn’t a good idea. I try to halt my thoughts and focus on getting ready. Desi should be here soon.

  I look at myself in the mirror and smooth down my tank top. I’m sure Desi is harmless, at least right now, but I want to be prepared for anything. I push my feet into my tennis shoes and leave my room, gliding into the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Charlotte.” Carl beams from one side of the counter.

  “Morning. Can I get some of that?” I point to the french press next to him.

  He nods and pours me a glass, adding two scoops of sugar. When he hands me the cup, I wrap my hands around it and blow on the steam coming from the top and let my mind wander even more to what Teddy is planning.

  “What’s the matter?” Carl asks.

  I drag my eyes to him. I can’t be positive Teddy is going to do what I think, so I don’t tell him. I sigh internally when I realize I’m doing it again. Protecting the man I love when he probably doesn’t even deserve it. Protecting is probably a strong word to use in this instance considering he doesn’t need protecting from Carl, but it still fits in a sense. I’m keeping his unspoken secrets.

  “I don’t know. I guess I’m just still fucked-up by the fact Teddy is alive, and I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel.” The confession almost feels good. Finally stating a true-to-me fact lifts a weight off my shoulders I didn’t even know I was carrying. But at the same time, I don’t think Carl would understand. He isn’t my friend, he’s Teddy’s. He’s loyal to Teddy.

  He nods, circling the counter to sit next to me. “Be mad as hell. That’s how you should feel. Your feelings are valid and just when it comes to him. Teddy may have a point to prove, but you can’t let him see you
weak while he does it.”

  I sip my coffee, then look at him. “What do you mean by a point to prove?”

  He grins at me like I’m stupid and grips my shoulder. “Now Charlotte, don’t act stupid. Everyone can see what’s going on between you and Lucas clear as day. You remember what I said about pride? Teddy almost has too much of it. He feels he has to prove a point right now, show everyone you’re his.”

  My heart sinks with his words, and suddenly, I feel completely humiliated. How is it so easy for everyone to see whatever the fuck is going on between me and Lucas, Teddy included, other than me?

  He pats my knee. “Don’t worry. All of that shit will get worked out eventually. Men like Teddy don’t love easily, and when they do, it drives them crazy. Everything he’s doing is out of love even though it may not seem like it.”

  Maybe Carl has a point, but I don’t get long to ponder on it. Julius comes into the kitchen freshly showered with his hair still wet and slicked back. He has on dark-washed jeans and a plain black tee.

  “Are you coming with me today?” He nods as a knock comes from the front door. “Okay then. Let’s get this done.”

  I stand from the barstool and exit the kitchen. When I make it to the door, I take one last deep breath and tell myself I can handle whatever comes my way.

  I pull open the door and see Desi standing on the other side. Just like the few times I’ve seen him before, he’s wearing a button-down shirt and slacks and has silver jewelry covering his fingers and neck.

  “Charlotte. Buenos días, hermosa.” He reaches for my hand and kisses the top.

  “Good morning, Desi. I have everything ready to move.” I motion to the crates beside the door that Carl and Julius moved down here last night.

  He nods as two men dressed in all black appear from behind him and start grabbing crates with Julius. One after the other, they load them into a plain white van with blacked-out windows.

  Once the last crate is loaded, I walk down the steps and slip into Desi’s waiting car with Julius and Desi behind me.