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The Vengeful Queen: A Mafia Romance (The Hale Mafia Book 2) Read online

Page 5

  We drive to the south side of town, Emil’s territory, winding down narrow and unmarked roads. After what feels like forever, we pull up to an abandoned-looking shack. The blue paint is peeling off the distressed wood, the porch hangs lower on the right side, and the grass covering the lawn is overgrown.

  The tires crunch over the gravel drive a few feet, then stop with the van directly behind us. Everyone exits the car. Desi goes straight up the sketchy steps while the two goons follow him as Julius and I linger by the car.

  “I really don’t like this,” I mumble to myself.

  “I don’t either.” Julius’s voice comes out low and raspy.

  I turn to my side with wide eyes. “Are you actually talking to me?”

  A smile forms on his lips. “I am.”

  I prop my hand on my hip. “Huh. I knew you had a voice, but I never thought you would use it in everyday life.”

  He scoffs. “You and I have never really gotten a chance to be alone. Normally, I only stay quiet to listen. Pick up all the things other people miss. Right now, it’s only you and I, so there is no need to be quiet unless you want to tell me plans on world domination or some shit.”

  “Damn. And here I was thinking you took a vow of silence for a reason. You know, like a protest of your own for a cause you believe in.” I shrug.

  He shakes his head. “Nope. I mean, maybe it started that way. When my mom died, Lucas and I were left with our dad. He always got on to us about being too rambunctious. Too loud. He’d beat us until we were black and blue. So, one day I decided I’d show him exactly how quiet I could be. At first everything was fine, but after a while it had the opposite effect. He hated how I was too quiet. Man never could make up his fucking mind about what he wanted.” He kicks the gravel beneath his feet.

  I sigh quietly at his confession.

  “Now”—he drags my attention back to him—“I just stay quiet because when I do speak, it actually makes an impact. Just look at how you reacted.”

  I raise my brow. “You’re smarter than you look.”

  He shakes his head softly as Desi and the two men come back out of the house.

  Desi stops in front of me. He reaches out his hand with a key between his fingers. “This will open the door.” He reaches in his pocket and pulls out another key. “And this will open the shed back there.”

  He points behind the house. About fifty yards back sits a metal shop–looking building in pristine condition. It doesn’t look like it belongs in the same vicinity as the run-down house. “Is that where you’ll keep my guns?”

  He nods. “Yes. No one knows we own this. It’s completely untraceable back to us, which means it won’t get back to you either. And as a show of good faith, Emil stored some of our important files there. Information on some of our biggest clients.”

  Guns are definitely the worse of the two, looking at things one-sided, but if you dig deeper into their sex rings, I’m sure big politicians, doctors, and lawyers use their services. It may be a good show of faith storing files with our things, but a stupid move. I would never incriminate myself for someone else, but I guess that’s where Emil and I are different. He wants so badly to prove to me he cared for Teddy, but he’s doing nothing but making reckless moves.

  I chuckle and take both keys and start walking in the tall grass toward the shed while Julius follows.

  When we make it to the entrance, Julius steps in front of me. “Let me go first and make sure this isn’t a setup.”

  I nod and hand him the key.

  Julius rolls open the door, revealing an almost bare shop. Dust coats the concrete floor with a few fresh tracks in it, leading to the four filing cabinets tucked into the corner. I step in behind him and look to the wall. Finding the light switch, I flip it on. Fluorescent lights buzz to life.

  “Seems okay, I guess.” I shrug. I’m still not convinced this is a good idea, but what can I do?

  “We can set everything up in the back. It’s a little drive, but at least they’ll be safe and keep the ATF agent away. We can just make runs as we need things or clients come into town.”

  I nod, then look behind me. The goons and Desi are trekking through the tall grass toward us. Once they finally make it in front of me, I eye the two men. “You can unload here. This will work for now.”

  They look at me with a laugh before turning to Desi. Desi nods. “Do as she says. Bring the van back here and put everything where she wants.”

  I tip my head as they walk off sulking. “Another show of good faith, letting me boss your men around?”

  “Not at all. You have to remember I’ve seen what you can do—I don’t want none of that smoke.”

  I brush off the comment and flash Desi a fake smile. The van pulls up and turns, backing toward the door. The two men, Julius, and Desi get to work unloading all of the crates while I stand and watch and continue to scour the place for anything suspicious.

  Once the last crate is stacked on the others in the back, I hop into the passenger side of the van. One of the men looks at me, and the confusion shines through. “I’m not walking back through that grass.” He shakes his head and puts the van into drive as the other man, Julius, and Desi pile into the back.

  We pull back onto the gravel drive in no time. I step out, thank the two men, then slip back into Desi’s car with Julius following. Desi enters the front and starts the car silently.

  As we drive back to our place, Julius stares out his window. I debate on starting a conversation but think better of it. I have a feeling he’s done all the talking he’d like for now.

  As we broach the gates of home, I unhook my seat belt and lean forward. “Thank you, Desiderio. We will talk soon.”

  He nods as I leave the car and head inside.

  It’s been days since Andrew got here, and he still hasn’t found anything to pin down the Hales.

  I reach in my pocket and dial his number. When the call connects, I start speaking. “Any news? My patience is wearing thin.”

  I hear a loud sigh on the other end. “Nothing yet. I’ve talked to the owners surrounding their warehouse, I’ve watched the girl, I even tried to talk to people at the bank. Without warrants I can’t do anything, and being on leave, I can’t get the warrants I need.”

  I grip my hair and tug it. “She’ll lead you to their supply. Keep watching her.”

  “I have been, but someone else has caught my interest—”

  I cut him off. “This isn’t about anyone else. This is about those fucking Hales. I want them gone, Andrew! I didn’t bring you here to look into anyone else.”

  The line is quiet for a moment before he speaks again. “Fine.” He hangs up.

  I squeeze my phone, then throw it to my side. “You need to leave town, David.”

  David looks at me with a smirk. “You think I’m scared of them?”

  “Don’t make this about how big and bad you are, this isn’t what that’s about. They have the chief on their side and more resources than me. If they want you dead, then you’ll be dead.”

  He paces the floor in my apartment lazily like he can’t be bothered with what I’m saying. “Chill out, cousin. Sebastian wouldn’t let anything happen to me. You may not have much, but he has all of Mexico on his side. I’m not worried.”

  I stand from my couch and grab him by the shoulders. “That’s the fucking problem! This isn’t Mexico, David. He doesn’t have the same kind of pull here. Stop being so fucking stupid and listen to what I’m saying.”

  I wish I could shake him hard enough till he understood, but David hears nothing. He’s stubborn and strong-willed, only believing what he wants.

  “Stop acting like my mamá. I will handle them if they try anything.”

  I roll my eyes and plop back onto my couch. He is going to get killed and doesn’t even care.

  As I walk inside, I see Teddy standing in the foyer. “Did you get everything moved?”

  I nod. “Yeah. They’re keeping it on the southside, about thirty minutes
from the casino.”

  “What kind of building? Any security?”

  Before I can answer, a knock vibrates through the foyer. I look to Teddy with confusion. The same expression on my face mirrors on his. He holds his finger to his lips and moves behind the door.

  I nod and reach for the handle. When I open it a man in his late thirties is standing on the other side. “Can I help you?”

  “Charlotte Welsh?” His voice is deep.

  I lean against the open door and weigh my words carefully. “It’s actually Hale. And you are?”

  “My name is Andrew Scott. I’m in town investigating some claims and was wanting to ask you a few questions.”

  Bingo. I knew it had to be him, the ATF agent. Growing up in this town, I know almost every face. Maybe not names, but I know faces, and this is one I haven’t seen before.

  “Oh, a real investigation? What kind of claims?” I peek behind the door and see Teddy listening just as intently as me for his reply.

  “I can’t disclose that information right now.”

  I huff. “So, you’re here to ask me questions, about something you can’t disclose? Sounds to me you’re just fishing for anything I’m willing to give. Have a nice day.” I look behind me and see Julius standing with an amused smirk plastered on his face, chin jutted upward and his arms crossed over his chest.

  I go to close the door, but he stops it with his foot. “I’m a government agent with the ATF. If you don’t cooperate, I can have you arrested for obstruction of a criminal investigation.”

  Julius moves closer behind me, pressing his chest into my back. I look behind the door and see Teddy watching, nostrils flaring, fists curling, because he can’t do anything about this man trying to practically force himself inside. Not if he wants to keep him being back a secret.

  I chuckle at his threat and step forward away from Julius. “Am I supposed to be scared because of who you are? I mean, I can’t think of any other good reason as to why you would be so forward. Unless it’s because you already know that I know who you are.” I drop my hip and level my eyes with his. “And if you know who I am, the same way I know you, then you must know who my father was. I was learning the legal system and laws before I could walk. I’m not obstructing shit. So, unless you have a warrant, probable cause, or feel like spilling what you’re actually investigating, go fuck yourself.”

  He takes a step back and raises his hands in surrender with a smug smile.

  I shrug and chuckle again. “That’s what I thought. Tell Cameron I said hello.” I slam the door before he can reply.

  When the door slams shut, Teddy steps forward. “That motherfucker!” he yells.

  His booming voice penetrates every pore in my body, a wicked mixture of venom and ice, sending a chill down my spine. I’ve seen Teddy mad before, but never to the point of yelling.

  “He has some fucking nerve trying to get into my home!” He walks to the small table by the door in two big strides. Picking up the golden vase housing lilies, he doesn’t hold it for more than a second before throwing it down the hall.

  The shattering of the glass on the marble floor has me jumping with the sound. I almost want to run away, but more than that, I want to try and comfort him. I rush to his side and touch his arm tentatively. “Teddy, it’s okay. I handled it.”

  He snatches out of my hold. “That’s the point, Charlotte. You shouldn’t have to handle it with me standing right fucking there!” He points to the door. “You don’t know how much it took not to step around you and pummel his face. He disrespected you!”

  Warmth floods my body with his confession. I shake my head. “I’m used to it. One of my main advantages is people thinking I’m weak. People not taking me as serious. It’s okay.”

  His head falls back as he lets out a laugh. “This isn’t about weakness, Charlotte. You’ve already shown your weakness. Your composure wavers when a certain someone comes around.” He leans down and brings his eyes to mine. “This is about disrespect. You called yourself a Hale, and he still had the nerve to do what he did. No one treats anyone with the Hale name that way and gets away with it. Don’t think this is about you when it isn’t. This is about my family’s name and the reputation I’ve built with it.”

  My jaw becomes slack, and my hands start to shake. Just when I thought maybe we were past the Lucas thing, he brings it up again. I bite my lip so hard that the copper taste of blood touches my tongue. I want to fire back, but it’s pointless.

  I turn and see Lucas stepping out of his room as I start toward the hallway.

  “What, running away because you can’t handle the truth, Charlotte?” I hear Teddy call behind me.

  My eyes catch Lucas’s for a split second. He raises his brow slightly and tips his head, almost like he’s waiting to see what I’ll do, and it pisses me off. These men brought me here for my strength. They’ve groomed me and trained me to be hard and cold, and yet, Lucas has the nerve to look at me with pity in his eyes while Teddy talks shit.

  I turn on my heel and storm back to Teddy. “Fuck you. You want to say you’re just a man questioning all he’s done for a woman who doesn’t love him the same way, but you know what? I’m questioning all the same shit too.” I throw my hands up and raise my voice. “You want to prove a point that I’m yours? You’ve done it. Look at Lucas’s bruised face and my fucking piss-poor excuse of dignity! I’ve let you treat me like shit the entire time you’ve been back thinking maybe you just needed to let it out. But fuck you, Theodore! I’m not your fucking doormat anymore.

  “Nothing I’ve done deserves this kind of treatment. You’re a prick on a power trip at this point, and I’m sick of it! If you want to treat someone like shit, find a new victim because I’m done being yours!”

  I can see the anger brewing in his eyes the moment I finish. The corner of his mouth picks up in a grin, bunching the scar along his face. An evil, depraved, vicious grin. He inhales loudly through his nose, then lets it out quickly before raising his hand.

  I close my eyes and wait for the impact, but it never comes.

  I open my eyes slowly and look in front of me. I see the most beautiful but wayward thing. Lucas is standing behind Teddy, gripping his arm, while their eyes battle with unspoken words.

  Julius steps up and watches them fixedly like he’s ready for the war that’s about to wage between them. I can see the indecisiveness pooling in his eyes, contemplating which side to take.

  “You aren’t this person, boss.” Lucas finally breaks the silence.

  Like something clicks, Teddy lowers his hand, shoots his eyes to the ground, then storms outside without a word.

  Once the door clicks closed behind him, I release a breath that’s been stuck in my lungs. I close my eyes and breathe deep through my nose, then release it, taking a moment to compose myself. I walk to the hallway and drop to my knees, careful not to cut myself, then start picking up the biggest pieces of glass from the vase.

  Carl comes from the kitchen with a broom and paper bag. My eyes catch his and immediately start to water when I see the pain in his. I drop the glass from my hands and lean back on my knees. “What am I doing wrong, Carl? I’ve done everything possible to show him I’m here for him. I’m his.”

  He shakes his head lightly, then sweeps the broom in front of me, pushing all of the glass in one pile. “That man is a different creature. An enigma if you will. What he does may not make sense to us, but it’s perfectly coherent in his own mind. You just need to have patience with that devious king of yours, Charlotte.”

  A sad chuckle boils from my throat. “Patience? Seems like I need a bulletproof vest and skin of steel instead.”

  “You’ll be okay, kid. Just give it time. From what I overheard, he’s hitting his own turning point.” He brushes all of the glass into the paper bag before folding the top and disappearing back into the kitchen.

  Once he’s out of sight, I stand and walk to my room. Once I’m in the safety of my own space, I sink to the floor and rep
lay everything in my mind. How can any of them think what Teddy is doing is normal? How can they justify it? Nothing in my world makes sense anymore, and I don’t know how to piece it back together. How to make shit normal again.

  As much as I hate to admit it, Lucas was right last night. I’m not some lowlife piece of shit who hits women. So why was I raising my hand to Charlotte? I swore to protect her, but here I am, turning into her biggest threat.

  I pace the floor of the run-down motel, my designer shoes scuffing the cheap tile. “Fuck this!” I say out loud to myself.

  I turn toward the door and swing it open, then slip out and into my car. I put it in drive and floor it, letting the gravel kick up behind me and leave a trail of dust in my wake.

  Before I turn into the drive, I pull the baseball cap on my head lower to cover my eyes. The guard at the gate, someone I haven’t seen before, nods as he hits a button and the gate swings open. I pull in next to Charlie’s old Pontiac and park. I take off my cap and throw it into the passenger seat before I exit.

  Walking to the door, I contemplate if I really want to do what I’ve been thinking. Taking a deep breath, I walk inside and close the door behind me. “Boys!” I yell.

  Lucas and Julius emerge from their rooms and strut until they’re right in front of me. Lucas is the first to speak, as always. “What is it, boss?”

  “I want you to call Sloan. Get him here now.”

  Lucas raises his eyebrow, looks to Julius, then back to me. “In case you’ve forgotten, you’re still dead.”

  I scrub my hand down my face and try to tighten the top on the bottle of anger I have buried in me. I’ve already exploded multiple times; I don’t need to do it again. “I said, call Sloan. Now.”

  I’m not sure if it’s the edge I make sure is present in my voice, or the fact Lucas knows he’s on thin ice with me, but he pulls a phone from his pocket and dials Sloan’s number.

  “You.” I point to Julius “Go get Charlie.” He disappears without question.